Friday, March 6, 2009

The Real Apocalypse: Can You Hear Me Now?

Ok, this freaks me the fuck out. If you've ever seen the movie "The Signal" or if you've ever read the book by Stephen King called "Cell" then you know what the heck I'm talking about here. The two stories share a similar subject matter. In both stories, some sort of signal or pulse is generated through televisions, radios, and cell phones. Those who hear this pulse in The Signal, turn into paranoid lunatics. Stephen King's version is similar in the lunatic arena but then as the story progresses these turned lunatics join together in some sort of hive mind collective. Post-post-zombies, if you will.The one puzzle that we find in both stories is that the origin of this pulse or signal is never determined. Someone or something had to send it out, right? This couldn't really happen could it? Read this and find out: When most people hear the word ultrasound, they think of the diagnostic tool used to look inside the womb and steal glimpses at a fetus. But researchers at Arizona State University at Tempe have developed a new use for it: to control brain activity from outside the skull.

William J. Tyler, one of the technique’s developers and an assistant professor at ASU, says ultrasound will someday allow physicians to substitute neural implants with external devices. “We’re trying to develop the technology to the point where we can do away with the electrodes that are used in vagus nerve stimulation and deep brain stimulation,” says Tyler....

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