Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Real Apocalypse: Terminated

From time to time, I'll run across some pretty serious news stories that seem to predict or even warn of the coming destruction of humankind. There's always real news stories that get me thinking: What if?

When I run across these stories, I'll make a special post entitled: The Real Apocalypse.

Today, I ran across a very curious news article.

Everyone's seen the Terminator movies. Some of ya'll have seen Battlestar Galactica. Each story revolves around humankind building machines and robots to assist our progress in evolution only to have those same machines turn on us and attack. Humans become the hunted. A war between man and machine would totally destroy everything and everyone.

Imagine hiding out in your house while a robotic tank strolls down your street....scanning for any sign of thermal activity. Yikes! Read this:

Autonomous military robots that will fight future wars must be programmed to live by a strict warrior code, or the world risks untold atrocities at their steely hands.

The stark warning — which includes discussion of a "Terminator"-style scenario in which robots turn on their human masters — is part of a hefty report funded by and prepared for the U.S. Navy's high-tech and secretive Office of Naval Research.....finish reading the article here.


  1. I came across you while looking at fellow horror fans. I read over your blog, and I'm quite amused. I too am a zombie lover and I appreciate what you've got here.
